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Infra-popliteal lesions rarely were the zone of interest in first years of endovascular era. Nowadays, broad worldwide experience of transluminal interventions and appearance of low-profile instruments allowed broadening of the indications for transluminal repair of the below-the-knee arteries. The method is proved to be safe and effective.

Results of 121 angioplasties in 70 patients with chronic ischemia of the legs (12 years work of a city hospital) are analyzed in the article. The main indication was stenotic and occlusive infrapopliteal lesions excluding the possibilities of bypass surgery. It was shown that the endovascular approach is extremely effective, and in cases of diabetic angiopathy and critical lower extremities ischemia, an endovascular intervention can be not only the way to save a leg, but the only way to save the patient's life.



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